Each rider, beginner or expert, is perfectly aware about the importance to wear appropriate motorcycle shoes, because safeness is the fundamental precondition to practice this sport.
This is the reason why it’s crucial to wear appropriate clothes and accessories, especially certified ones, which have all the certification to ensure protection of riders.
According to this, motorcycle boots are to be preferred over the simple cowboy boots, because the company who designed them, considered all the biker’s needs also talking about accidents.
Obviously, also aesthetic is important but you should always prefer certified and safe motorcycle boots.
How to choose motorcycle boots
First of all, the best motorcycle boots have to ensure maxical safeness and should pay attention to the needs of feet, ankles and legs.
On track, but also on the road, the risk of falling is very common and according to this is crucial to buy only certified products identified by UNI EN 13634 code.
Another relevant element is abrasion resistance. We can divide motorbike shoes into two groups. The first one includes the typology one, which is characterized by a 5 second time abrasion resistance, in particular these are shoes designed to be used on the road. Shoes of the second group have an abrasion resistance time of 12 seconds and are usually shoes designed to be used on track.
In addition to this, everybody knows that ankle is very vulnerable and very often, in an accident, can undergo distortions.
Choosing your boots you should prefer models provided with pads and anti-torsion system.
However, this devices can affect the mobility of the legs, so pay attention to materials, which should be high quality ones in order to ensure foot flexibility but also resistance.
Also comfort is crucial: malleolus should be provided with internal padding to house perfectly the foot, which moves back and forth while riding. In addition to this, consider that motorcycle boots are to be worn for a long period, so fitting is fundamental.
Today, also
ankle boots provide the same safeness as higher ones, because both have all the devices necessary to ensure the maximal reliability.
Talking about the tip of the boots, it should be rounded or tapering, according to the shape of the foot ( especially according to the big toe which shouldn’t touch the shoe). Actually you should choose according to your needs.
Anyway, it’s important to leave the toes move well, because,otherwise, should become insensitive; this is the reason why bloodstream has to be regular and fluid, without any obstacle. According to this shoes can’t be too tight.
Talking about materials, leather is always the best, because it has a considerable thickness and it is abrasion resistant and lasting.
However, also seasons has a great impact on choice. For example, in the warm months synthetic materials, such as microfiber are more efficient because are more breathable than leather.
The idea scenario could be to buy winter leather boots and summer microfiber ones. Anyway each biker will decide according to a combination of features: needs, habits, style.
The sole is a very important element too. Soft soled provide a better grip but easier can wear out, the rigid one is long-lasting but provide less grip. Also in this field the choice is up to your personal needs.
Features and benefits of motorcycle boots
Motorcycle boots ensure
best performance, according to safeness and comfort, then the cowboy ones. But remember to consider always your personal needs.
Obviously, bikers who spend many hours on his motorbike has different needs than the riders who use motorbike once in a while.
For this last kind of rider is possible to choose simple motorbike sneakers, designed to be different from the traditional ones. They have many technical details, for example, they are waterproof and their closure is studied to be practical but resistant.
They are provided with reinforcements for tip, malleolus and heel but also with arch support.
Bikers who use daily their motorbike, probably should prefer the high knees boots, which support both ankle and calf.
The constant vibrating movement can stress osteoarticular apparatus, muscles and blood vessels, a situation that can turn very dangerous.
This is the reason why technical shoes are the best, because provide the right protection and enable anatomical parts to work well.
Finally talking about aesthetic, motorcycle boots are as great as the traditional ones, because most of the models are realized paying great attention to style.
According to this you have only to choose which one, amongst the many models available today, is the best in order to comply with safeness and performance, as well as style and design.
Choosing the classic motorcycle boots or the lighter sneakers, you always have to prefer certified ones in order to have all the safeness required to start a new adventure riding you motorbike.