For many years biker have chosen autonomously to wear or not certified clothes and accessories. However, today things are very different and rules about motorbike wearing are more restrictive.
But nobody wants to give up habits, especially talking about motorbike clothes and accessories, so labels as Stylmartin understood this desire. Today, they give bikers the opportunity to wear according to their own tastes and habits and assure, at the same time, certified safeness
Talking about safeness, it needs to pay great attention to feet, because they are more likely to get injured. So choosing the right motorbike shoes is the only way to lower the risk of injury
Motorcycle boots are realized according to specific rules. They have to be tear and abrasion-resistant but also comfortable and ergonomically designed. In order to convey the best of quality, this kind of boots has to pass severe compliance tests to obtain the certification
When choosing motorbike boots great attention has to be paid to fitting. Motorcycle boots have to fit perfectly according to size and model, indeed comfort is the key feature to be found. Obviously safeness is always fundamental but, especially today, also design has a great importance.
5 suggestions to wear motorbike boot
Talking about socks, usually, people can be divided into two groups.
On one hand bikers who are used to wear very thick socks, such as woolen knee high socks. According to them this is the only way to avoid the feet getting ruined by the stiff material which boots are made of.
On the other there’re bikers who knows and appreciate the innovations in motorbike shoes technology. They prefer boots realized with innovative material which allow to wear them with simple cottony socks. This kind of materials keep the ideal temperature, they are breathable but, at the same time, the shoes are designed with the all safety features. This results into comfortable and safe motorbike boots.
We want to suggest bikers who are used to wear knee high socks to consider a bigger size adding the product into cart.
Well done, instead, to bikers who keep knee high socks in the wardrobe!
Pads are fundamental to offer safe and comfortable motorbike shoes. Even though is very important to wear them in the right way
Putting on motorbike boots, anti-torsion devices and pads have to fit perfectly in order to avoid any discomfort wearing them. A good advice could be to make some movements trying on the shoes to make sure they are perfectly fitting on feet and calf.
Therefore the perfect fitting is fundamental. The boots have to fit perfectly on foot, calf and ankle in order to be very comfortable in any circumstances.
Indeed, if they are too large it can allow the feet to move excessively and it increases the risk of injuries.
On the other hand too tight shoes can affect blood circulation and create discomfort wearing them.
So this is another reason to test the boots with specific movements before buying them
Stylmartin is known because of the attention paid in realizing high quality shoes that fit perfectly
Anyway, our suggestion is to try on shoes with your usual socks in order to choose the right size for your needs.
Biker, usually, prefer to dress on layers because it allows them to get dressed and undressed according to weather
Also trousers are very important to choose. They can be worn inside or over the boots but the aim is always to create retention against air. The best choice is to wear slim fit trousers because large ones can affect the riding creating some problems. Also fabric is very important because some are more resistant than others to abrasion. So why not leather or technical fabric? They are very resistant and comfortable. But today innovation conquered also the realms of motorbike clothes and it’s possible to find very stylish female jeans or leggins CE certified.
Biker boots are the most popular piece for people who loves to wear a fashionable biker style. Due to the exclusive design and innovative technique they are always more popular also amongst who haven’t a motorbike
Customers love the new materials, the nice finish and the contemporary models which create an allure around motorbike shoes. Also in this field, Stylmartin holds a record in realizing motorbike shoes which adapt to different tastes, ages and styles.